Sunday, February 22, 2015

DIY Hot Oil Treatment For Hair

By now you've probably heard someone talking about hot oil treatment.
If you have been intrigued with that idea, and want to try it at home, read this article to learn which oil is the best for your hair, and how to aply it.

Everyday environmental influences such as temperature changes, pollution and humidity, often combing and use of various hair products such as curlers, straightening irons, hair dryers, may contribute to damage of your hair.Hot oil treatment can temporarily repair the damage. Most of the different oils purchased in stores requires heating, massage the scalp and gently rinse. Fully shampooing or excessive washing will reduce the effect of oil.

Benefits of hot oil treatment

Regardless of whether your hair is dry, oily or normal, hot oil treatment will help you. Hot oil treatment can help with dry scalp, dandruff, split ends and will add more volume to your hair.

Which oil to choose?

The choice of oil is a key step for a hot oil treatment.

Olive oil - Perhaps the most common choice because it is the most affordable. This oil not only strengthens the hair, but also hydrates the hair follicles, adds volume and shine.

Jojoba oilThis natural oil is an ingredient in many products for face and body. It can control and ensure the proper production of sebum on the skin surface of the head, and therefore prevents excessive gathering of fat and moisture to the hair follicles. Jojoba oil can successfully fight against dandruff and hair loss, while treatment with hot oil nourishes the hair. Another advantage of jojoba oil - you can use it to help combing tangled hair, because it softens the hair.

Coconut oil - The soothing coconut oil  provides hair with the necessary moisture. This natural oil is rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium, and these essential ingredients help prevent itching of the scalp and other hair problems. If you use coconut oil properly and regularly, your hair will be softer and have a better volume.

Almond oilHair growth can be stimulated and ensured with use of almond oil in various treatments. Combined with massage can stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, and thus will ensure normal reproduction of cells which helps the hair restoration. Almond oil is rich in vitamin A, which protects the hair follicles.
Choosing the best hot oil treatment for hair, as you can see, depends on your needs, but at the very beginning, experimenting with different oils may be the best strategy. You can even mix oils for extra effect.

How to use?

Select desired oil and put it / them in a small bowl and place them in the microwave for 1 minute max. This is particularly important for coconut oil to melt. It is important to know that although the oil should be hot for the right effect, you have to be careful and test the temperature before applying to the scalp, to avoid burning the scalp. If the oil is uncomfortably hot for your fingers, it's definitely too hot for the skin of your scalp. Once you have determined that the temperature of the mixture is safe, massage gently into your hair. If you struggle just dry ends, apply oil just a few inches from scalp to ends.

For maximum effect put on a plastic cap.

Leave the mixture to act up to an hour, with occasional massage, and then wash your hair as usual.

The procedure is best to repeat weekly. 

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