Blog with natural beauty recipes, health tips, beauty tips and more. You can find here DIY recipes for hair masks, face masks, scrubs and more. I have tried almost all of these recipes on my skin and hair, and I can tell you - they're good. Welcome! :)
Nobody likes dark circles,because theygive face a tired and unhealthy look. There are various waysto cover dark circles, butthe most important thingisto treatthe cause. In this article, you will learn about what may cause dark circles and how to treat them.
So... let's start with possible causes!
Dark circles, in addition to being the firstserioussign ofaging, oftenare the firstsignal thatbodysendsto usif ther is some problemor disbalance.They may bethe firstindicationof amore serious disease. Because of that, you should pay attentionand distinguishthemby shape,color,puffiness... Someof diseasesthat will, among other things, cause darkcirclesareproblemswith kidneys, severeanemia,stress,cardiovascular diseases,smoking,passive smoking, excessiveexposure to the sun...
Swollen dark circles
Dark circles that have swollen, are the most common indicator of water retention and creation of fatty tissue in the area around the eyes. If you have dark under eye circles for a long time, for example several months, and they have turned into hanging dark bags, it's the final moment to check your blood, because perhaps you are anemic. In fact, anemiais one of the most common causes of dark bags under the eyes, especially if accompanied by headache, fatigue, poor concentration, learning problems and poor memory.
Check the kidneys and liver
Someof the causes ofdark circlesareproblemswith theliver andkidneys. So, if you have dark under eye circles with yellow-brown bumps, arrange to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Perhaps it's allergy?
Eventhose allergicto pollenhave problemswithdark circles. In fact, they have thecommonneurodermatitiscaused byfrequently nose wiping andrubbing itchy eyes, and thiscontributes to developmentof pigmentationandirritation ofthe delicate eyelid skin.
Or maybe you just don't sleep enough?
Human bodyneeds 6-8hours of sleep. If you aresleep-deprived, you'll havethedark circles! So, try to organize your life to get some sleep!
...and maybe you're dehydrated?
Againwith the numbers6-8. Asyou need tosleep6-8hours, soyou have todrink 6-8 glassesof water a day in order to stay healthy, and reduce those ugly dark circles!
These are thepossible causes of dark cirles, but... how totreat them?
How to treat dark circles
As Imentionedbefore, drink plenty of water and make sure you get enough sleep! This is essential if you want to get rid of dark circles. It is good totakemultivitamins. Experts recommendB12, B6 andvitaminK. If the cause is allergy, antihistamineswillhelp you, butonlywith the adviceandrecommendationof yourdoctor. Adjust your diet.Oftenwe neglectthat the skinis an organandit's the largest one onthe body. Ifyou eat junk food, that will be visible on your face. Try to change your eating habits, by adding a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, try to add salmon to your diet, because it is rich inastaxanthin, a carotenoidthat contribute to theincreasedelasticity, and alsoavocadoandeggsbecause they are rich inbiotin, orvitaminB7. Reducesalt intakebecausetoo much saltin the bodycan result inwater retentionandslowing thecirculation,and thus theappearance ofdark circles. Also, try replacingcoffeewith green tea. Breatheproperly!The most importantfoodof our bloodis oxygen. Increased intakeof nicotineinto the bodyleads toreduced productionof collagenandas a result you get wrinklesandreducedelasticity of the skin. Smokingalso leadsto a narrowingof blood vessels,and thusto a reducedsupply ofoxygen tothe skin. So if you are a smoker, try to stop smoking, or at least reduce the amount of cigarettes. You can also try breathing exercises, which you can see and learn more about, in this video by Acharya Shree Yogeesh.
Nourish your skin.Do not forgetpersonal hygieneroutine -cleansingandremovingmake-up,for whichpurposeyou can usea bitof cotton woolmoistenedwith a few dropsof vegetable oilor vegetablemilk. It is essential thatpreparationsof natural cosmeticscontainhighlyvaluablebaseoils such asapricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, jojobaoil, pomegranateseed oil. You cantry toreducedark circles, with oneof the oldestrecipes - using slices of cucumber. Thanks to thecoldslicesofthis vegetable which is made up of95percentwater,blood vessels will constrictand thustemporarilyreducepuffinessunder the eyes.This method isdefinitelythe cheapestandextremelysimple,but equally short-lived. It is known thatcold packsrelievethe appearance ofdark circles. Soforbaggydark circles, put theslices of potatoes, pre-cooledin the refrigeratorandleave it for15 to 20 minutes. Perhapsthe best knownmethod usedto refreshtired eyesischamomile tea. Put cooled down tea bags on your eyes, and hold them for 20-30 minutes. Green tea is equally effective. Forwrinklesanddark circles, stiregg whiteandapplyitgentlyaround eyes.As theeggdries, you will feel thetension.Leave fortwenty minutes, then rinse with cold water. And finally, there is makeup. You can use use a concealer to reduce their appearance. See how, in this video by Carli Bybel.
Do you knowfrom whichdrinks you willbuild upadditionalpounds, and from which you will lose weight?
Learn in this article whichdrinks aregoodand which are bad foryou...
Most peoplewhenthinking aboutanydiet, think abouta variety offood productsthatmayormay not consume, the method ofpreparation, the intervalsandthe amount ofconsumption.Drinksareoftengenerallydefinedand undefined,whichin the endoften results inmisinterpretingwhat they candrinkand what not. However, the quantityandtype ofbeveragesconsumedare equallyimportant, whilekeepingcertaindiet, butalso in everyday lifeanddiet.
It is well knownthat water isthe healthiestdrink(ifnot polluted). It helpstocleanse the body,lose weight, reduceappetite,andgenerallyhas a positive impacton the body's metabolismin particular.
Vegetable juice
Vegetable juiceshavenutritional valuesimilar to thatoffruit juices, buthaveapproximately50percentless calories,but also a larger amount ofsalt. Also,freshly squeezedvegetable juicesare richin vitamins, mineralsandfiberthat helpin properdigestion,which canalso helpcontrol hunger.
Black coffee
If you need somethingto"lift" youduring the day, drink apureblack coffeewithoutsugarandotheradditives.Theblackcoffee hasvery few caloriesandisa strongantioxidant.Of course, you should notoverdo it withcoffee- do notconsumemore than fourcups a day.
Green tea
Ifyou don't likeblack coffee,trygreen tea,alsowithoutanysweeteners,except maybesome honey.It will"lift" you,andalso, it has astrongantioxidant activity,which will helpyou lose weight. It's great forthe regulating digestionandto raiseimmunity.
Fizzy drinks
All thesedrinksaremadefromartificial flavors, withvariousdifferent forms ofsugarandsweeteners, and they havelarge amounts ofcalories. Ifyou are a bigfan offizzy drinks, limittheir intaketoonce aweekfor two to threedeciliter.
Energy Drinks
The truth isthat these aredrinksthatprovide energyfor athletes, butprecisely becausethey arecaloriebombs.Avoidthemwhen trying tolose weight,no matterifyou exercise.
Various alcoholicbeverages
Alcohol ishighlycaloric.Avoidit ifyou want tolose weight. Ifyou wishto make a toastwith friends, lightbeer isdefinitelythe best choice.If you likenon-alcoholicbeer, order it.
Fruit juice
Freshlysqueezed juicefromafruitmight have thesame amount of caloriesasasoda,but there are morenutrients(vitamins, minerals,proteins...). Althoughsomediets prohibitand otherdietsallowthe consumption offruit juices,the ones from fresh fruitare certainlythe healthiest. Stay away fromprocessedfruit juiceswith differentfructosesugarsandartificial sweeteners. If youare already buyingfruit juice, buyonefromnaturalbiofarming.
Mixin a blenderbanana, strawberriesandblueberrieswith waterormilkandyou will geta greatfruitdrink, withplenty ofcalories. If you are ona diet, makesmoothie at home, with skim milkor almond milkoreven better- with water! Do not addsugar! You can sweeten it with a small amount of honey. Note thatthisdrinkreplacesonehealthymeal.Stay away frompurchasingsmoothies, becausetheyoften containartificial sweeteners, ice cream, whipped creamanda variety of differentingredients thatare not healthyandthey're just accumulatingcalories.
Bright smile and perfect white teeth without stains are the prettiest face decoration. Food, smoking and aging leave unsightly stains on the teeth and teeth whitening treatments are often too expensive and complicated. That's why I wrote this small guide to help you to whiten your teeth at home and preserve that whiteness.
Let me start with food that is ruining the whiteness of teeth.
Foods that spoil the whiteness of your teeth
1. White and red wine - You may have thought that only red wine leave stains on the teeth, but the fact is that white wine is equally harmful to the beauty of enamel. The reason is simple - the wine contains tannins - they are very yellow and brown polyphenols that can attach to the tooth enamel and spoil the appearance of the teeth.
2. Black tea - Strong black tea may be tasty, but it contains tannins, as well as wine. Therefore, if you don't want your teeth turn yellow, I recommend that you choose bright and mild herbal teas.
3. Coffee - There is no darker drink than coffee, so it is not surprising that this beverage really harms the beauty of your teeth. If you still can not imagine a day without coffee, try adding more milk, so at least alleviate the consequences. 4. Sodas - Besides not being healthy for our body, soft drinks have a bad affect on the color of teeth. If you are drinking very cold soda, it will damage your enamel, which will become porous and easily absorb color.
5. Balsamic vinegar - Dark, tasty, healthy and ideal for leaving stains on the teeth. The good news is that when you use it with lettuce or spinach, you're drastically reducing its negative effects.
6. Tomato sauce - If you eat a lot of tomato sauce, your teeth will eventually begin to change color. The problem is not only in the color of tomato juice, but also in acidity it has, which affects the color of teeth.
7. Soy sauce - The commercial soy sauces are generally not made from soybeans, from but varieties - soy proteins containing acid. Because of that, these non-organic soy sauces are not a good choice for the whiteness of your teeth.
8. Curry - It has a great taste, but you should know that curry is one of the biggest culprits for yellow stains on the teeth. Spinach will neutralize this effect of curry, and it can be consumed in combination without fear.
9. Beetroot is very rich in various vitamins and minerals, but a big problem brings their dark red color that will surely leave stains on your enamel. After drinking beetroot sure rinse your teeth with tap water or wash them in order to minimize the consequences.
10. Berries are very recommended in the diet, but when it comes to the beauty of the teeth, you should stay away from them. These couple of fruits have a large amount of color that stays on the enamel and spoils its whiteness.
It's not good to avoid these foods, because most of them are really good for health, but you can avoid stains on the teeth following these tips.
Tips for whiter teeth:
Eat crunchy food - Numerous fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, celery and pears, can be a natural way to clean and whiten teeth because they contain acid.Crunchier food is, it is better to clean your teeth. Note that you need to eat raw the aforementioned foods in order to achieve the best effect. Therefore, chew an apple instead of cutting it or inserting in the juicer.
Increase your intake of dairy products - Results of recent scientific studies have shown that cheese, milk and yogurt contain minerals that strengthen teeth and improve their appearance. These include calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen tooth enamel.
Consume more strawberries - Strawberries contain malic acid, which removes the discoloration on the tooth surface. In addition, their texture polishes enamel, and that way contributes to its brighter appearance.
Use baking soda - Although there are different opinions on its application, studies have shown how its limited use can improve the whiteness of teeth.
Drink through a straw - Various drinks can leave stains on the teeth. To avoid them, use a straw. This is to avoid direct contact of drinks and teeth, and ultimately preserve whiteness.
Stop smoking - Or at least reduce. Smoking causes the formation of pigmentation on the teeth, and in some cases leads to a complete change of teeth color. Can also cause gum disease, bad breath, tooth damage and tooth loss.
Avoid white wine - If you prefer white wine because you think red will stain your teeth, think again. White wine can also cause damage to the teeth. German researchers concluded that consumption of white wine, such as Chardonnay, is causing more damage to tooth enamel than red wine.
Drink water while eating - When you eat foods that stain, keep a glass of water. Rinse and sip after every few bites and sips will remove stains.
Brush your teeth - Never miss evening brushing your teeth and wash them as soon as possible after the meal. It would be good to have a toothbrush always with you. Or if you can't wear a toothbrush around, eat an apple. Eating an apple with a skin is similar to washing teeth.
Activated charcoal for teeth whitening
The effect of activated charcoal has long been known as a proven tool for cheap and fast method of teeth whitening. Activated charcoal can be found in pharmacies in the form of tablets. Positive effects of activated charcoal are quickly visible - immediately after the first application, and if you follow the instructions, there will be no side effects.
What is activated charcoal?
Activated charcoal is one of the natural resources that has been used through history in the treatment of many diseases - dysentery, skin infections, poisonig and even for the consequences of radiation. Activated charcoal attracts and retains harmful substances. It is an ordinary charcoal.
Use for teeth whitening
Crush two tablets of activated charcoal, put it in a ceramic or glass container and add a few drops of water. Mix well, and you will get a paste. Soak the brush to brush your teeth and wash them in the usual way for about two minutes. Rinse your mouth, and repeat the procedure. At the end carefully remove all traces of charcoal that are remaining between the teeth. Another way to use the activated charcoal is to chew the tablet, and then wash your teeth, the way you wash them usually - with brush and toothpaste.
You can apply active charcoal to your teeth once in 7 to 10 days
Activated charcoal has a gentle abrasive property, and after the third brushing with it, you'll notice that your teeth are squeaky clean. This is a sign that they are cleared of all plaque that have accumulated on the surface of the tooth, which you can't remove with ordinary brushing.
Side effects of this treatment are almost unexpected, but there are some conditions in which it is not advisable to apply it. Pregnant and lactating women need to be especially careful - before applying it, it is advisable to consult with a physician. Also, if you are prone to allergies, it is best to consult a dentist. Also be careful in the application of activated charcoal if you have trouble with breathing or swallowing.
Here's a video by Mama Natural about teeth whithening with activated charcoal, which is very nice and informative. :)
Whitening with strawberries
Believe it or not, strawberries are great food that can help you make your teeth white and sparkling, in one word - perfect!
Why strawberries?
Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which helps to remove plaque that makes your teeth look yellow. Also, strawberries have an enzyme called malic acid, which helps to remove surface stains.
Use for teeth whitening
You will need: - 1-3 large strawberries - pinch of salt - acts as an abrasive which rubs the stains that make your teeth look yellowish - half a teaspoon of baking soda - removes bad breath and whitens the teeth
Crush the strawberries until you make a paste, add salt and baking soda and stir the ingredients together. Apply prepared mixture to the teeth in a greater quantity using a toothbrush. Let it stay for 5 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat this process whenever you have a chance.
There are none. But still be careful with the use of baking soda and salt, which may damage the enamel if used too often.
Here are Lisa Estrella Yang and her boyfriend demonstrating teeth whitening with strawberries!
Whitening with lemon and baking soda
Why lemon?
Lemon is a natural bleach, brightens hair and fabric, as well as teeth.
Use for teeth whitening
Put on a plate a tablespoon of baking soda and squeeze lemon over. Mixture will start bubbling. Wait for mixture to settle, then brush your teeth with it. The mixture must not be rare, so first squeeze just a few drops of lemon, but if you need - add more. You need to get something like toothpaste.
This mixture can damage the enamel, so it should not be used often. Not more than once a week. Here's Superman explaining teeth whitening with lemon and baking soda.
Other home remedies for teeth whitening
Apple vinegar and baking soda - Add apple vinegar to the baking soda, enough to make the mixture density of toothpaste. After the first use you will notice the difference in the whiteness of teeth. Another way to use apple vinegar for teeth whitening is to dip the brush in it, and brush your teeth for about 2 minutes and rinse with water. Because apple vinegar is acidic it is best to not use this method more than once a week.
Banana peel - Believe it or not, banana peel will whiten teeth! Peel the banana and rub your teeth for about 2 minutes. Because banana contains no acid in it and no abrasive properties, you can use this method of teeth whitening on a daily basis.
Orange peel - you can rub your teeth with the inside of the peel of orange. The effect will be better if the peel is applied with a small amount of salt. Of course, when you're done with the procedure, brush your teeth as you usually do.
Several tricks for visually whiter teeth
Wear lipstick with cold (blue) undertone - These lipsticks have a blue undertone that will neutralize any yellow tones on your teeth and make them look whiter - red with cold undertone and pink lipsticks. On the other hand, lipsticks with warm undertone (orange and yellowish) will only further emphasize the yellowness of the teeth, so avoid them if you want your teeth look whiter.
Put a Vaseline on your teeth - This sounds terrible, but believe that it is effective. If you put a thin layer of Vaseline on tooth surface, it will prevent stains from coffee and wine.
Wear bronzer - Bronzer on your face is another way to stand out and make your teeth look whiter. You know that, when you have summer tan, your teeth look whiter. It's because the contrast between your teeth and skin. So, wear a bronzer, and your teeth will be visually whiter!
Natural homemade toothpaste
To maintain the whiteness of your teeth, it is necessary to use a good toothpaste. So, here's the recipe for NATURAL toothpaste.
How to make toothpaste
You will need: - a quarter cup of water - 1 tablespoon of fresh mint, chopped - half a teaspoon of baking soda - half a teaspoon of corn starch - half a teaspoon of grape seed oil or sunflower oil
Put mint leaves in the water and let it boil. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, mix baking soda, cornstarch and grape seed oil in a separate bowl until the mixture is united. Drain mint tea (cold) and add the previously prepared mixture. Put the combined mixture back on the heat, let it boil and stir until thickened and smooth. Let it cool down and place it in airtight bowl and you got a completely natural toothpaste!
Mint will give your breath freshness, while baking soda will bleach teeth and disinfect oral cavity. Thanks to its abrasive structure, corn starch is used for mechanical cleaning of food remains, and grape seed oil nourishes the gums, reducing inflammation and infection.
Homemade mouthwash
Mouthwash in combination with toothpaste can be a great ally in the fight against yellow stains on the teeth. Mouthwash will disinfect oral cavity and reach parts of the teeth to which toothbrush can not reach. It is best to use mouthwash immediately after the meal.
Homemade mouthwash with peppermint
- 180 ml of water - 60 ml of vodka - 4 teaspoons of glycerin - 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel - 10-15 drops of essential oil of peppermint
Boil water and vodka, add aloe vera gel and glycerin, cool down and add the essential oil. Mix well. Pour into a glass bottle. Do not swallow!
That ends this Ultimate Guide For Whiter Teeth. I hope my tips on how to whiten your teeth at home will help you, and also hope that you will use all these teeth whitening remedies carefully, without overdoing it. Also, I suggest that you visit your dentist twice a year, and if you have some condition or disease, please consult with your doctor before using these whiteners. I wish you to comment on this post, ask questions and leave your suggestions.
It can be saidthat honeyincosmeticsisthe same as salt in the kitchen. Not only it'sdeliciousandaffect thegood mood,butalso has a beneficial effect onourcomplexion. Honey is ideal forface and bodybecause it suitsall skin types.
From ancient times, honey andother bee productsare used asfood and medicine, but alsofor thecare and beautyof face and body. Egyptian QueenCleopatra wasfamous forbathingin honeyandmilkandPoppea,wifeof a RomanconquerorNero,used aface lotionmade of honeyandmilkto maintain theyouthful appearance.
Honey has properties whichmake it anindispensable part ofa healthy diet.The healing propertiesof honeydepend on the qualityof honeyand the type ofplant from whichisobtained.It hasa unique structure,which is usefulbecauseof its antibacterialandantioxidant properties. Due to its excellentcomposition,honey is biologicallyvaluable foodfor children and adults,easily digestableandit's natural source oflife force.A dropof honeycontains more thana hundred different important substances for your body.According to the contentof enzymes,honey is among themost importantfood products. Honeyis notonlyfoodbut alsoa natural productwhich has got a big attention in the cosmetic industry.It abounds insugars,vitamins(B1, B2, B6,C),minerals(potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper),as well asenzymesandtannins,cancalmsensitive skin, regenerate dry hairandrefresh chapped lips. If you want to know more about honey, read this article on Wikipedia. Naturalhoneyisan effective treatmentforminor abrasionsandburns. It is alsoeffectiveas an antimicrobial agent. Honeyisgentlebutveryeffectiveantisepticthat stopsthe growth of bacteriathat causesacne.
In cosmetics,honeytakesa veryimportant place, because itis oneof the oldest,most provedandtotallyharmlessremedies forbeautyandskin care. From ancient times, honey andother bee productsare used asfood and medicine, but alsofor thecare and beautyof face and body. Egyptian QueenCleopatra wasfamous forbathingin honeyandmilkandPoppea,wifeof a RomanconquerorNero,used aface lotionmade of honeyandmilkto maintain theyouthful appearance. Evenbefore itbeganlargelycosmeticproduction in late1800,honey wasalreadya very popular ingredient. Today,inproduction, honeyis being increasingly usedforskin moisturizing,face masks,hairconditionersandshower gelsin response toconsumerdemandsfornaturalformulations. You can buy products with honey for hair and skin care, but you can also make them at home!
Cleopatra's bath
Sinceit dissolves in water,honeyis idealforbaths.Because of thenutrientsit contains, it regeneratesandsoothesextremely dry, irritated skin. The famousQueenhasabundantlyusedhoney forcare ofthe face and body. Here's a recipe for Cleopatra's bath: Mixtwo tablespoonsof honeywith2.5dlof warm water, let itdissolvehoneyand add ittothe preparedwaterfor bath.
Nourishing mask
Hidrated skinis an important factorinmaintainingitssoftness and flexibility. As skin agesoris subjected toexternal influences like stressandchemical agents, loses its abilitytoretain water,becomesdryandwrinkled.Honey ishygroscopic, which means itattractsandretains water. Honey is anatural basisfora variety ofmoisturizingproductsincludinglotions,cleansers,creams, shampoosandconditioners. Becausehoneyis notan irritant, it is suitableforsensitive skinandbabycare products.
The combinationof olive oilandhoneywas very popularamong theancientwomen,becauseit refreshes complexion veryquickly. Mixequal amount ofhoney and olive oilandrub iton your face. Let it stay for20 to 30 minutes, then rinsewith lukewarm water.If you haveextremely dry skin, you can hold it for few hours.
If your skin is tired, thenis veryeffectivemaskofequal amountsof honeyandmilk. Hold it on your facefor 10 minutes, and thenwash with lukewarm water.
Ifyou have oily skin, mixtwotablespoonsof milkwitha tablespoonof thelow-fatcottage cheese, lemon juiceandhoney, and leave iton your facefor 10 minutes.The same effectwill be achievedif youreplacethe cheeseand milk withegg whiteof one egg, butthen you need to hold it twice as longto absorbexcess sebumandoil.
If you want to get rid of acne, take an apple and 5 tablespoons of honey. Grate the apple and mix it with honey. Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.
Hair conditioner
Thanks tothe high content ofamino acids,honeyis an excellentally ofdry and damaged hair.Itssugars are helping thehairbecomeshiny and smooth, anditstanninsprovide a naturalshine. In addition,honey hasmild antibacterialeffect,and isthereforeidealforsensitive skinof the headandpeople who havedandruff. Shampooscontaining honeyareespeciallyrecommended for damaged, colored hair.
Howto restoreyour hairshineand make itsofterandhealthier? Add a tablespoonof honey and a few drops of olive in a conditioner you usually use. Rub into therootsand leave iton for 15minutes, then rinsewellwith warm water.
Ifyou have a problemwith staticin your hair, pourone teaspoonof honeyinone liter of water andrinse your hair with it, after last shampooing and rinsing.
In addition tohoney, you canplay around witha few otheringredients. Take somefresh yeastand mixitwithone tablespoonof honey. Stirmixtureuntil it becomescompact. Applythe maskon your hairandcover witha towel. Rinse after one hour. It would be good to repeat this treatmentat leasttwice a week.
Sesame oilandhoneyare anotherwinning combinationforbeautifulhair. Stir in2tablespoons ofsesame oil, honeyand oneegg yolk.Cover your hair withfoilandheat up for 10 minutes withhairdryer. Wash your hair after that.
Body and Face Scrub
Mixhalf a teaspoon ofbrown sugarwith a tablespoonof honeyanda teaspoonof lemon juice. Rubinelbows,kneesandheels, where skin isrougher.
Honey scrubsoothesfaceproneto acneand blackheads, and is suitableforall skin types.You canadd sugarorsaltanda littlelemon juiceandcorn gritsto honey, andthengentlymassagethe faceandrinsewith warm water.
Mixequal amount offinely chopped almondsandoatsand add20drops of essential oilof your choice.Apply this scrub with gentlecircular movementson the faceorbody, andthenrinse
Here's a video from Youtube with tutorial on how to make a scrub with honey, lemon and sugar. :)
Preliminary researchhasalso revealed thathoney hassignificant naturalantioxidantproperties.Antioxidantsplay a big rolein protecting the skinfromUV radiationand inhelpingskin renewal. Prolonged exposure tothe sun's UVradiation cancauseskin damage, premature agingand evenskin cancer. Therefore, alwayslook forhoneyiningredientsof cosmeticsandskin care products.
How to choose the right type of honey
When choosingthe type of honey, you canbe guided bythesenseof taste. Butregardless of whetheryou chose theacacia, forest,sunflowerorcloverhoney,the effect on skin is alwaysthe same. To prepareface masks, it is only not recommended to use industrial honey, because it'smainlyintendedforfurther processingand thereforeits not very useful for skin care. The useof this typeof honeyis out of the question, unlessyou are allergic tonatural.
How to distinguish fake honey from pure honey
Sometimeshoney tradersordealersareaddingwaterandsweetenerin honey to createa larger amountandgenerate more revenue. The main differenceis thatreal honeycontains nowater.You can testif yourhoneyis naturalin the following ways:
1. Add a tablespoonof honey ina glass of water. Pure, natural honeywill turn intolumpsandgo downto the bottom, and fakehoneywill beginto meltas it containswater.
2. Put on paper a few dropsof honey. Pure honeywill notbreak through thepaperfor a long time, because itdoes not containwater.